jeudi 11 mars 2021

The Last Photo

NBC News asked readers to share the final picture they took before the coronavirus was declared a pandemic. The images, from just one year ago, feel a lifetime away.

By Elizabeth Chuck

March 10, 2021

Sports games in packed arenas. Weekend getaways and world travels. Birthday parties with family and friends.

Just as striking about what is in our photos from one year ago is what is not: No masks. No 6-foot gaps between people. No bottles of hand sanitizer.

NBC News asked readers to send in the last photo they took before the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a pandemic on March 11, 2020.

Nearly 900 images documenting the final gasp of pre-pandemic life flooded in — images that many people said they had no idea would be “the last.” The last hug with a grandparent. The last track meet before school went remote and athletics got shut down. The last church choir practice, the last meal with colleagues, the last concert.

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