vendredi 17 novembre 2017


Par Maria Malagardis    — 

Première rétrospective française de l’œuvre du grand photojournaliste américain, 73 ans, multiprimé et injustement méconnu. Un maître dans l’art de capter l’intimité cabossée de destins tragiques : toxicos, patients d’hôpitaux psychiatriques, déshérités de tous bords jusqu’à sa première femme, atteinte d’un cancer mortel.

West Roxbury, Massachusetts, March 2008. Sgt. Jose Pequeno of the New Hampshire National Guard is assisted by his mother, Nelida Bagley, at the VA Medical Center. Thirty-four-year-old Pequeno, once the chief of police of Sugar Hill, New Hampshire, lost forty percent of his brain after a grenade exploded in his Humvee in Ramadi, Iraq.
West Roxbury, Massachusetts, March 2008. Sgt. Jose Pequeno of the New Hampshire National Guard is assisted by his mother, Nelida Bagley, at the VA Medical Center. Thirty-four-year-old Pequeno, once the chief of police of Sugar Hill, New Hampshire, lost forty percent of his brain after a grenade exploded in his Humvee in Ramadi, Ir

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